Why Celebrate Under Canvas?

An outdoor wedding offers so many exciting possibilities for your big day and finding the perfect structure for your open-air celebration is absolutely key to throwing one heck of a party! With a variety of options out there, it might take some exploring to really get a feel of what it is that you want for your wedding.

When planning your outdoor celebration, aesthetics such as the shape and the colour of a tent will be obvious observations when thinking about choosing the right structure for you, but have you ever considered the material? Ultimately, the fabric of which a marquee is made from is absolutely essential to the atmosphere of the space inside!

Event structures are made in all shapes, sizes and materials. While searching for the perfect canopy for your celebration, you’ll come across those constructed from plastic based materials such as PVC, vinyl & modern sailcloth. Canvas, however is an organic, breathable fabric and the main textile used to manufacture our bespoke luxury marquees.

Here’s just a few of the many reasons why we are so passionate about this material and why a canvas tent should be at the heart of any celebration in the ‘Great British Outdoors’…

Quintessentially British

First and foremost, canvas has connotations with celebration and structures made of this material have serviced community gatherings and events for hundreds of years. For some – like us – the space inside a canvas marquee will give you all the excited feels and switch your senses to party mode!

A traditional fabric with a quintessentially British vintage feel, canvas has a long history of providing shelter for merriment! From garden parties, to fetes to circus’s and camping trips, stepping into a canvas marquee triggers memories, nostalgia and excitement.

Image by Harrera Images of Wedding Guests Outside a Canvas Marquee


An extremely durable, waterproof and hardy fabric yet soft to the touch, light and airy. Our Wills Marquees traditional canvas and timber pole tents are manufactured from British Millerain textiles and handcrafted from an exceptionally high quality material. You can find out more about the production of our sensational marquees by checking out our post ‘Made In Britain’.


With a natural tone, canvas complements an outdoor, natural setting beautifully and offers quite literally a blank canvas for creative wedding styling and floral design.

Image by Harrera Images Setting up the floral installation to the entrance of a marquee

Classic and timeless and completely neutral in colour, a canvas structure makes for the perfect backdrop for your outdoor wedding photography. Why not head over to the Bloved blog to take a look at the beautifully styled shoot that we curated back in August last year to get some inspiration for your own marquee wedding imagery!


To construct our builds, we use traditional rope to ground our structures, tensioned with beech timber sliders and hand turned finials that top each wooden side pole. Personally, we believe that there are some things that modern technology simply cannot replicate and the beauty of a canvas and timber pole tent should remain due to form.

Time-honoured features such as these add a finishing touch to the aesthetic of a canvas tent and really complement the authentic look and organic feel of the fabric.

We want nothing more than for you to view our structures, to inspire your outdoor wedding plans and for you to experience the beauty and charm of our Wills Marquees tents. Let’s face it, planning a wedding during a pandemic might prove to be a little tricky but we have created just the thing for brides & grooms to be…

Last August we were lucky enough to work with a handful of sensational suppliers to put together a truly amazing and unique virtual reality experience so that couples who are planning a wedding can take a ‘walk’ around our marquees from the comfort of the couch!

Want to know more? Head over to our post ‘A Virtual Reality Experience’ to discover how you can order your free personalised VR pack, complete with a virtual reality headset and brochure.

If you’ve been inspired by this post and want to chat about your open-air wedding plans in one of our impressive Wills Marquees canvas and timber pole structures, drop us a line at info@thecanvastentcompany.com - we’d love to hear from you!


Bloom Inspiration For Your Marquee Wedding


A Virtual Reality Experience